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  • afranke
    Post count: 2
    in reply to: The Belt #1592

    After reading the recent posts, I have three questions:

    1. Say aaa (frame 17) calls bbb (frame 18) which launches a MUL and returns back to aaa (without any results values), then aaa immediately calls ccc (frame xx). As far as I understand, xx will not be 18 again because otherwise the MUL result would erroneously end up on ccc’s belt. Ideally a tail-call from bbb to ccc would try to closely mirror the above situation, wouldn’t it?
    2. Apropos security: is there anything to prevent the Bad Guy from creating a fake additional function entry point which launches a MUL and then simply *jump*s to the initial EBB of the target function, with the MUL still in flight?
    3. Would it simplify the handling of the situation if any unexpected in-flight values are not silently discarded but instead cause an processor fault? The underlying reasoning would be this:
      • When bbb issues the MUL, it promises to handle the result N cycles later.
      • When bbb tail-calls ccc, it basically asks for substituting its parent aaa for itself when it comes to handling any future values appearing on the belt (“continuation passing”).
      • The return values of ccc will thus end up on aaa’s belt, provided their count is correct. If the return value count is incorrect, this will cause a fault.
      • When the MUL result appears, it ends up on aaa’s belt as well, following the above reasoning. As this violates aaa’s expectations, it should cause a fault as well.

    As some programming style relies on infinitely passing continuations around, the full power of tail-calls is realized only if the machine does not run out of any resources from an unlimited number of tail-calls. If a spiller frame is never empty and a new spiller frame is required even for a tail-call, then this ideal target probably cannot be achieved, I fear.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  afranke. Reason: cleanup
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  afranke.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  afranke.
  • afranke
    Post count: 2
    in reply to: The Belt #1571

    It would indeed be nice for the Mill to solve another old problem (proper tail-calls).
    In 2000, there was a discussion about adding tail-calls to gcc.

    At the time, the issues seemed to be (i) the mismatch of stack frame sizes in the general case and (ii) different context registers for calls across compilation unit boundaries.

    Would these issues still be a problem on the Mill? IIRC in some contexts there can be a callee-accessible part of the scratchpad provided by the original caller. Would that still be accessible for the new callee? And in the case of portal calls, return appears to revoke all grants. I suspect this behaviour would be inappropriate for tail-calls, wouldn’t it?

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