Mill Computing, Inc. Forums Announcements Events When should we expect the next talk?

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  • Symmetry
    Post count: 28
    #1970 |

    It’s been a while since the last talk, any idea when we can expect to learn about wide data structures?

  • Ivan Godard
    Post count: 689

    October has been preempted for the company stakeholders meeting (the Mill is not all tech – there’s a business side too). So November at the earliest, but definitely not definite.

  • gaby_64
    Post count: 10

    we are still anxiously waiting for the next talk

  • Ivan Godard
    Post count: 689

    We want the next talk to be actual numbers, albeit from sim. We expect it will be a live demo, similar to the one we did demonstrating the configuration software we use. Of course, to make such a talk it has to work well enough to demo, and we are hard at work on that. It’s taken longer than expected (surprise!). A compiler, RTS, and the guts of an OS kernel is a lot of work. So, when? Soon, I think. For some value of soon 🙂

    There are also some pending subjects for architecture talks, notably multicore and DMA/streaming. However we feel that those should wait on more implementation.

  • gaby_64
    Post count: 10


    • Ivan Godard
      Post count: 689

      Same answer: when we have some real numbers we are happy with to demo. Actually, we might do one on some of the system facilities first. The system software for backless memory and the TLB recently struggled to its feet, and a talk about how Tiny Alice works would be a worthy topic.

      But the real problem is that creating a talk is so much work, and we’re busy. 🙂 We really want to put the tool chain and sim up on the web so people can play with it, and that probably should come before more talks.

  • jm
    Post count: 3

    anxious to see an announcement 🙂

    • Ivan Godard
      Post count: 689

      Not sure; probably not until after the next funding round. We’ve been flat out with patents and implementation.

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