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Name ID Base Reader Writer Spilled On Description
argsSize call, task switch size of memory argument block for next dynamic call
atomicStatus status if in an atomic extent
backCount pending stalls for atomic backoff
backoff backoff increment on atomic failure
codeLowerBound task switch global address of code address region
coreNum ordinal number of this core on the chip
codePointer cp task switch local address of code address region
constantPool cpp call, task switch address of constant pool
codeUpperBound task switch upper bound of code address region
cycleCounter task switch instruction cycle counter
dataLowerBound task switch global address of data address region
dataPointer dp task switch local address of data address region
dataUpperBound task switch upper bound of data address region
ebbEntry call, task switch offset from cpReg of head byte of current ebb
faultBase call, task switch fault vector base address
floatControl call, task switch floating point mode control
floatStatus call, task switch floating point status
framePointer fp call, task switch address of current stack frame
functionEntry func call, task switch offset from cpReg of function entry address
globalObjectTable gotp task switch address of GOT (Global Object Table)
inboundArguments inp call, task switch inbound memory arguments address
issueCounter task switch instruction issue counter
localSpace base of process local space within global space
noCacheLowerBound global address of MMIO aperture (bypasses caches)
noCacheUpperBound global address of upper bound of the MMIO aperture
outboundArguments outp call, task switch outbound memory arguments address
processID task switch current process number
realTimeClock rtc real time clock
startStop true to start, false to stall
scratchBase call, task switch base address of extended scratchpad
scratchSize call, task switch size (extent) of extended scratchpad
segExtent size in bytes of top stack segment
ssegmentBase address of start of top stack segment in memory
spillerSp spiller stack pointer
stackPointer call, task switch address of current top of stack and upper address of stack address region
stacklets address of start of stacklets region in memory
stepsInEbb call, task switch issue cycles executed within current ebb
threadID task switch current thread number
threadPointer tlp task switch address of per-thread data
thisPointer tp task switch address of receiver of method call
trapBase task switch trap vector base address