Difference between revisions of "Mill Computing Wiki:General disclaimer"

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(Created page with "=== Mill Computing Terms of Service for website contributions === By contributing to Mill Computing's website, you agree to the following: # By posting any content on the we...")
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Latest revision as of 04:14, 30 July 2014

Mill Computing Terms of Service for website contributions

By contributing to Mill Computing's website, you agree to the following:

  1. By posting any content on the website, you (i) waive all proprietary rights to that content, (ii) agree that Mill Computing is free to use that content in any way it deems useful, and (iii) agree never to assert any proprietary rights against Mill Computing for using that content.
  2. You agree not to post any content that violates any law or regulation or infringes the rights of anyone else, and you represent that all such content is original with you.
  3. You agree that Mill Computing can remove any content you post on the website at any time for any reason or no reason, at its sole discretion.