Tin Copper Silver Gold
The Mill Architecture is still in development, and new operations may be added or existing operations may be changed. This means the following encodings may still change too and only reflect the current state.
The operation encodings are per Slot, and the subscripts indicate the field widths in bits.
Exu Block
add(op x, op y)
add(op x, imm y)
addp(p op0, imm imm0)
addss(s x, s y)
addss(s x, imm y)
addsw(s x, imm y)
addsw(s x, s y)
addsw2(s op0, s op1)
addsw2(s op0, imm imm0)
addsx(s x, s y)
addsx(s x, imm y)
addus(u x, imm y)
addus(u x, u y)
adduw(u x, imm y)
adduw(u x, u y)
adduw2(u op0, u op1)
adduw2(u op0, imm imm0)
addux(u x, imm y)
addux(u x, u y)
all(op v)
alternate(op v1, op v2)
andl(op x, imm y)
andl(op x, op y)
any(op v)
bswap(op op0)
clear(op x, bit bit)
clear(op x, op bit)
countlfl(op x)
countltr(op x)
countrfl(op x)
countrtr(op x)
delta(op x, op y)
eql(op x, imm y)
eql(op x, op y)
eqlb(op op0, imm imm0)
eqlb(op op0, op op1)
eqlp(p x, p y)
eqlpb(p op0, p op1)
(op op0, op args)
(op op0, op width0, width args)
(op v, i i)
exuArgs(op arg0, op arg1)
E0: | 152813 | arg13 | arg03 | 19 |
E1: | 01 | arg13 | arg03 | 7 |
exuArgs(op arg)
E0: | b10016 | arg3 | 19 |
E1: | b4 | arg3 | 7 |
flags(op op0, op op1)
flags(op op0)
flip(op x, bit bit)
flip(op x, n bit)
flip(op x)
floatArgs(op op0, op op1)
floatArgs(op op0)
floatArgse(op op0)
floatArgsfz(op op0)
floatArgsn(op op0)
floatArgsp(op op0)
floatArgsz(op op0)
fma(op op0, op op1, op op2)
fmass(s op0, s op1, s op2)
fmasw(s op0, s op1, s op2)
fmasw2(s op0, s op1, s op2)
fmasx(s op0, s op1, s op2)
fmaus(u op0, u op1, u op2)
fmauw(u op0, u op1, u op2)
fmauw2(u op0, u op1, u op2)
fmaux(u op0, u op1, u op2)
geqp(p op0, p op1)
geqpb(p op0, p op1)
geqs(s op0, s op1)
geqs(s op0, imm imm0)
geqsb(s op0, imm imm0)
geqsb(s op0, s op1)
gequ(u op0, imm imm0)
gequ(u op0, u op1)
gequb(u op0, imm imm0)
gequb(u op0, u op1)
gtrp(p op0, p op1)
gtrpb(p op0, p op1)
gtrs(s x, imm y)
gtrs(s op0, s op1)
gtrsb(s op0, s op1)
gtrsb(s op0, imm imm0)
gtru(u op0, u op1)
gtru(u x, imm y)
gtrub(u op0, imm imm0)
gtrub(u op0, u op1)
imp(op x, op y)
imp(op x, imm y)
incspost(s op0, s op1)
incspre(s op0, s op1)
incsspost(s op0, s op1)
incsspre(s op0, s op1)
incsw2post(s op0, s op1)
incsw2pre(s op0, s op1)
incswpost(s op0, s op1)
incswpre(s op0, s op1)
incsxpost(s op0, s op1)
incsxpre(s op0, s op1)
incupost(u op0, u op1)
incupre(u op0, u op1)
incuspost(u op0, u op1)
incuspre(u op0, u op1)
incuw2post(u op0, u op1)
incuw2pre(u op0, u op1)
incuwpost(u op0, u op1)
incuwpre(u op0, u op1)
incuxpost(u op0, u op1)
incuxpre(u op0, u op1)
inject(i i)
inject(op op0, op op1, op args)
isNaR(op op0)
isNaRb(op op0)
isNilp(p op0)
isNilpb(p op0)
isNone(op op0)
isNoneb(op op0)
isntNilp(p op0)
isntNilpb(p op0)
join(op op0, op op1)
join2(op op0, op op1)
left(op x, width w)
left(op v)
leqp(p x, p y)
leqpb(p op0, p op1)
leqs(s op0, imm imm0)
leqs(s x, s y)
leqsb(s op0, imm imm0)
leqsb(s op0, s op1)
lequ(u op0, imm imm0)
lequ(u x, u y)
lequb(u op0, imm imm0)
lequb(u op0, u op1)
lssp(p x, p y)
lsspb(p op0, p op1)
lsss(s x, imm y)
lsss(s x, s y)
lsssb(s op0, s op1)
lsssb(s op0, imm imm0)
lssu(u x, imm y)
lssu(u x, u y)
lssub(u op0, u op1)
lssub(u op0, imm imm0)
mask(op v, width w)
mask(bit bit0, bit bit1, width w)
merge(op op0)
mul(op op0, imm imm0)
mul(op x, op y)
mulsf(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfe(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsffz(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfn(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfp(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfs(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfse(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfsfz(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfsn(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfsp(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfsz(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfw(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfwe(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfwfz(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfwn(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfwp(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfwz(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfx(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfxe(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfxfz(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfxn(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfxp(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfxz(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulsfz(sf x, sf y, bit dot)
mulss(s x, s y)
mulss(s op0, imm imm0)
mulsw(s op0, imm imm0)
mulsw(s x, s y)
mulsw2(s op0, s op1)
mulsw2(s op0, imm imm0)
mulsx(s op0, imm imm0)
mulsx(s x, s y)
muluf(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufe(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
muluffz(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufn(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufp(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufs(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufse(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufsfz(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufsn(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufsp(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufsz(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufw(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufwe(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufwfz(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufwn(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufwp(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufwz(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufx(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufxe(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufxfz(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufxn(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufxp(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufxz(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulufz(uf x, uf y, bit dot)
mulus(u x, u y)
mulus(u op0, imm imm0)
muluw(u op0, imm imm0)
muluw(u x, u y)
muluw2(u op0, imm imm0)
muluw2(u op0, u op1)
mulux(u op0, imm imm0)
mulux(u x, u y)
nand(op x, imm y)
nand(op x, op y)
NaR(op x)
narrows(s op0, width width0)
narrows2(s op0, s op1)
narrowss(s op0, width width0)
narrowss2(s op0, s op1)
narrowsx(s op0, width width0)
narrowsx2(s op0, s op1)
narrowu(u op0, width width0)
narrowu2(u op0, u op1)
narrowus(u op0, width width0)
narrowus2(u op0, u op1)
narrowux(u op0, width width0)
narrowux2(u op0, u op1)
neq(op x, op y)
neq(op x, imm y)
neqb(op op0, imm imm0)
neqb(op op0, op op1)
neqp(p x, p y)
neqpb(p op0, p op1)
nimp(op x, imm y)
nimp(op x, op y)
nor(op x, op y)
nor(op x, imm y)
notl(op x)
nxor(op x, op y)
nxor(op x, imm y)
ones(op x)
orl(op x, op y)
orl(op x, imm y)
resolve(p x)
reverse(op x)
roots(s x)
rootu(u x)
rotatel(op x, u bits)
rotatel(op x, bit bits)
rotater(op x, u bits)
rotater(op x, bit bits)
rroots(s x)
rrootu(u x)
rsub(op op0, imm imm0)
rsubss(s op0, imm imm0)
rsubsw(s op0, imm imm0)
rsubsw2(s op0, imm imm0)
rsubsx(s op0, imm imm0)
rsubus(u op0, imm imm0)
rsubuw(u op0, imm imm0)
rsubuw2(u op0, imm imm0)
rsubux(u op0, imm imm0)
s2u(op op0, width width0)
s2u2(op op0)
s2us(op op0, width width0)
s2us2(op op0)
s2ux(op op0, width width0)
s2ux2(op op0)
set(op x, n bit)
set(op x, bit bit)
shiftl(op x, n bits)
shiftl(op x, bit bits)
shiftlss(s x, n bits)
shiftlss(s x, bit bits)
shiftlsw(s x, bit bits)
shiftlsw(s x, n bits)
shiftlsw2(s op0, s op1)
shiftlsw2(s op0, bit bit0)
shiftlsx(s x, n bits)
shiftlsx(s x, bit bits)
shiftlus(u x, n bits)
shiftlus(u x, bit bits)
shiftluw(u x, n bits)
shiftluw(u x, bit bits)
shiftluw2(u op0, bit bit0)
shiftluw2(u op0, u op1)
shiftlux(u x, bit bits)
shiftlux(u x, n bits)
shiftrs(s x, n bits)
shiftrs(s x, bit bits)
shiftrsf(sf x, bit bits)
shiftrsfe(sf x, bit bits)
shiftrsffz(sf x, bit bits)
shiftrsfn(sf x, bit bits)
shiftrsfp(sf x, bit bits)
shiftrsfz(sf x, bit bits)
shiftru(u x, bit bits)
shiftru(u x, n bits)
shiftruf(uf x, bit bits)
shiftrufe(uf x, bit bits)
shiftruffz(uf x, bit bits)
shiftrufn(uf x, bit bits)
shiftrufp(uf x, bit bits)
shiftrufz(uf x, bit bits)
shuffle(op vs, op positions)
smeari(op vs)
smearx(op vs)
splat(op op0, width width0)
sub(op x, op y)
sub(op x, imm y)
subp(p op0, imm imm0)
subss(s x, imm y)
subss(s x, s y)
subsw(s x, imm y)
subsw(s x, s y)
subsw2(s op0, imm imm0)
subsw2(s op0, s op1)
subsx(s x, s y)
subsx(s x, imm y)
subus(u x, u y)
subus(u x, imm y)
subuw(u x, u y)
subuw(u x, imm y)
subuw2(u op0, u op1)
subuw2(u op0, imm imm0)
subux(u x, u y)
subux(u x, imm y)
test(op x, bit bit)
test(op x, n bit)
u2s(op x)
u2ss(op x)
u2sw(op x)
u2sw2(op op0)
u2sx(op x)
vec(op op0, op op1)
vec(op op0)
widens(s op0, width width0)
widens2(s op0)
widensf(sf op0, width width0)
widensf2(sf op0)
widenu(u op0, width width0)
widenu2(u op0)
widenuf(uf op0, width width0)
widenuf2(uf op0)
xorl(op x, imm y)
xorl(op x, op y)
Flow Block
activeRead(op op0, width width0)
allocStack(op v)
argf(off off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | 1c2013 | 18 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
argSize(off size)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | 1c0f13 | 18 | size | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
back(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit lit2, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 32910 | 18 | lit13 | lit23 | off03 | 9 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
back(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 31c10 | 18 | lit13 | off03 | 6 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
back(off count0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 34c10 | 18 | off03 | 3 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
back(off count0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | c3 | cm1 | 35910 | 18 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
backfl(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2a010 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
backfl(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2e610 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
backfl(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 2fd10 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
backtr(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 2fe10 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
backtr(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2a110 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
backtr(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2e710 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
br(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 31d10 | 18 | lit13 | off03 | 6 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
br(off count0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 34d10 | 18 | off03 | 3 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
br(off count0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | c3 | cm1 | 35a10 | 18 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
br(op count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2a210 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
br(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit lit2, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 33210 | 18 | lit13 | lit23 | off03 | 9 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
br(op count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2e810 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
br(op count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 2ff10 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brfl(pred count0, op op0, off op1, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 36510 | 18 | count03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brfl(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2e910 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brfl(pred count0, op op0, off op1, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 36b10 | 18 | count03 | op03 | 6 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brfl(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2a310 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brfl(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30010 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brfls(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2a410 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brfls(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30110 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brfls(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2ea10 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brfls(pred count0, op op0, off op1, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 36c10 | 18 | count03 | op03 | 6 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brfls(pred count0, op op0, off op1, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 36610 | 18 | count03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brs(op count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2a510 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brs(op count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2eb10 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brs(op count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30210 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brs(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit lit2, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 33310 | 18 | lit13 | lit23 | off03 | 9 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brs(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 31e10 | 18 | lit13 | off03 | 6 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brs(off count0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 34e10 | 18 | off03 | 3 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brs(off count0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | c3 | cm1 | 35b10 | 18 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brtr(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2a610 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brtr(pred count0, op op0, off op1, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 36d10 | 18 | count03 | op03 | 6 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brtr(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2ec10 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brtr(pred count0, op op0, off op1, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 36710 | 18 | count03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brtr(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30310 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brtrs(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2ed10 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brtrs(pred count0, op op0, off op1, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 36e10 | 18 | count03 | op03 | 6 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brtrs(pred count0, op op0, off op1, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 36810 | 18 | count03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brtrs(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30410 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
brtrs(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2a710 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
cachepbcl(p op0, p op1)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | 386514 | 18 | op03 | op13 | 6 |
cachepbdl(p op0, p op1)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | 386a14 | 18 | op03 | op13 | 6 |
cachepd(p op0, p op1)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | 386b14 | 18 | op03 | op13 | 6 |
cachepd(p op0, p op1, p op2)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | 387614 | 18 | op03 | op13 | op23 | 9 |
cachepe(p op0, p op1)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | 386c14 | 18 | op03 | op13 | 6 |
cachepe(p op0)
cachepx(p op0)
cachepx(p op0, p op1)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | 386d14 | 18 | op03 | op13 | 6 |
call0(op q, off target, count argc)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | argc3 | cm1 | 2a810 | 18 | q3 | 3 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call0(op q, off target, count argc, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | argc3 | cm1 | 2ee10 | 18 | q3 | argv3 | 6 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call0(op q, off target, count argc, lit argv, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | argc3 | cm1 | 30510 | 18 | q3 | argv3 | argv3 | 9 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call0(off target, count argc)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | argc3 | cm1 | 35c10 | 18 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call0(off target, count argc, lit argv, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | argc3 | cm1 | 31f10 | 18 | argv3 | argv3 | 6 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call0(off target, count argc, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | argc3 | cm1 | 34f10 | 18 | argv3 | 3 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call0(off target, count argc, lit argv, lit argv, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | argc3 | cm1 | 33410 | 18 | argv3 | argv3 | argv3 | 9 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call1(off target, count argc, lit argv, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | argc3 | cm1 | 32010 | 18 | argv3 | argv3 | 6 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call1(off target, count argc, lit argv, lit argv, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | argc3 | cm1 | 33510 | 18 | argv3 | argv3 | argv3 | 9 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call1(op q, off target, count argc)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | argc3 | cm1 | 2a910 | 18 | q3 | 3 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call1(op q, off target, count argc, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | argc3 | cm1 | 2ef10 | 18 | q3 | argv3 | 6 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call1(op q, off target, count argc, lit argv, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | argc3 | cm1 | 30610 | 18 | q3 | argv3 | argv3 | 9 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call1(off target, count argc, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | argc3 | cm1 | 35010 | 18 | argv3 | 3 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
call1(off target, count argc)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | argc3 | cm1 | 35d10 | 18 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
callfl0(op q, off target, count argc)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | argc3 | cm1 | 2aa10 | 18 | q3 | 3 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
callfl0(op q, off target, count argc, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | argc3 | cm1 | 2f010 | 18 | q3 | argv3 | 6 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
callfl0(op q, off target, count argc, lit argv, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | argc3 | cm1 | 30710 | 18 | q3 | argv3 | argv3 | 9 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
callfl0(op q, p target, off argv, count argc)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | argc3 | cm1 | 36f10 | 18 | q3 | target3 | 6 | argv | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
callfl0(op q, p target, off argv, count argc, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | argc3 | cm1 | 36910 | 18 | q3 | target3 | argv3 | 9 | argv | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
callfl1(op count0, width op0, off off0, count width0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | :4 | 186 | 18 | count03 | 3 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
callfl1(op count0, width op0, off lit0, count off0, lit width0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | :4 | 206 | 18 | count03 | width03 | 6 | lit0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
callfl1(op count0, width op0, off lit0, count lit1, lit off0, lit width0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | :4 | 1e6 | 18 | count03 | off03 | width03 | 9 | lit0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
callfl1(op count0, op op0, width op1, off lit0, count off0, lit width0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | :4 | 1c6 | 18 | count03 | op03 | width03 | 9 | lit0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
callfl1(op count0, op op0, width op1, off off0, count width0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | :4 | 1a6 | 18 | count03 | op03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calln(lit n, p target, off argv, count argc)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | argc3 | cm1 | 2f110 | 18 | n3 | target3 | 6 | argv | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calln(lit n, off target, count argc, lit argv, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | argc3 | cm1 | 33610 | 18 | n3 | argv3 | argv3 | 9 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calln(lit n, off target, count argc, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | argc3 | cm1 | 32110 | 18 | n3 | argv3 | 6 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calln(lit n, off target, count argc)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | argc3 | cm1 | 35110 | 18 | n3 | 3 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calln(lit n, p target, off argv, count argc, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | argc3 | cm1 | 30810 | 18 | n3 | target3 | argv3 | 9 | argv | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calltr0(op q, p target, off argv, count argc, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | argc3 | cm1 | 36a10 | 18 | q3 | target3 | argv3 | 9 | argv | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calltr0(op q, p target, off argv, count argc)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | argc3 | cm1 | 37010 | 18 | q3 | target3 | 6 | argv | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calltr0(op q, off target, count argc)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | argc3 | cm1 | 2ab10 | 18 | q3 | 3 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calltr0(op q, off target, count argc, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | argc3 | cm1 | 2f210 | 18 | q3 | argv3 | 6 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calltr0(op q, off target, count argc, lit argv, lit argv)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | argc3 | cm1 | 30910 | 18 | q3 | argv3 | argv3 | 9 | target | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calltr1(op count0, width op0, off lit0, count lit1, lit off0, lit width0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | :4 | 1f6 | 18 | count03 | off03 | width03 | 9 | lit0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calltr1(op count0, op op0, width op1, off off0, count width0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | :4 | 1b6 | 18 | count03 | op03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calltr1(op count0, op op0, width op1, off lit0, count off0, lit width0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | :4 | 1d6 | 18 | count03 | op03 | width03 | 9 | lit0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calltr1(op count0, width op0, off off0, count width0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | :4 | 196 | 18 | count03 | 3 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
calltr1(op count0, width op0, off lit0, count off0, lit width0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | :4 | 216 | 18 | count03 | width03 | 6 | lit0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
con(off v, width w)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | :4 | 1be9 | 18 | v | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
con(off v, width w, lit v)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | cm1 | :4 | 1bd9 | 18 | v3 | 3 | v | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
con(off v, width w, lit v, lit v)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 1bc9 | 18 | v3 | v3 | 6 | v | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
con(off v, width w, lit v, lit v, lit v)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1bb9 | 18 | v3 | v3 | v3 | 9 | v | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
exscratchf(off size)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | 1c2113 | 18 | size | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
face(off count)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | 1c2213 | 18 | count | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
fill(off off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | 1c2313 | 18 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
fill(off lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | cm1 | 1c3813 | 18 | off03 | 3 | lit0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
flowArgs(off arg, lit arg, lit arg, lit arg)
F1: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 03 | 8 | arg3 | arg3 | arg3 | 9 | arg | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
flowArgs(off arg)
F1: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | 13 | 8 | arg | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
flowArgs(off arg, lit arg)
F1: | cs2 | 12 | cm1 | 23 | 8 | arg3 | 3 | arg | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
flowArgs(off arg, lit arg, lit arg)
F1: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | 33 | 8 | arg3 | arg3 | 6 | arg | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
flowArgs(pred op0)
globalize(op op0)
inner(off count0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | c3 | cm1 | 35e10 | 18 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
inner(off count0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 35210 | 18 | off03 | 3 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
inner(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 32210 | 18 | lit13 | off03 | 6 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
inner(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit lit2, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 33710 | 18 | lit13 | lit23 | off03 | 9 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innerfl(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2f310 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innerfl(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30a10 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innerfl(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2ac10 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innerfls(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2f410 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innerfls(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30b10 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innerfls(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2ad10 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
inners(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit lit2, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 33810 | 18 | lit13 | lit23 | off03 | 9 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
inners(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 32310 | 18 | lit13 | off03 | 6 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
inners(off count0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 35310 | 18 | off03 | 3 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
inners(off count0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | c3 | cm1 | 35f10 | 18 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innertr(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30c10 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innertr(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2f510 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innertr(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2ae10 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innertrs(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30d10 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innertrs(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2f610 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
innertrs(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2af10 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
lea(base b, off o)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | b3 | cm1 | 38210 | 18 | b3 | 3 | o | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
lea(p b, off o)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | cm1 | 1c3313 | 18 | b3 | 3 | o | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
lea(lbl l)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | 1c2413 | 18 | l | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leas(base base0, off op0, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | 37110 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leas(op op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | 1c2713 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 6 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leass(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 226 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leass(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 1b99 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 6 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leau(base base0, off op0, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | 37e10 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leau(op op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | 1c2813 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 6 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leaus(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 236 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leaus(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 1ba9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 6 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leave(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit lit2, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 33910 | 18 | lit13 | lit23 | off03 | 9 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leave(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 32410 | 18 | lit13 | off03 | 6 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leave(off count0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 35410 | 18 | off03 | 3 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leave(off count0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | c3 | cm1 | 36010 | 18 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavefl(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2b010 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavefl(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2f710 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavefl(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30e10 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavefls(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2b110 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavefls(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2f810 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavefls(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 30f10 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leaves(off count0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 35510 | 18 | off03 | 3 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leaves(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 32510 | 18 | lit13 | off03 | 6 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leaves(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit lit2, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 33a10 | 18 | lit13 | lit23 | off03 | 9 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leaves(off count0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | c3 | cm1 | 36110 | 18 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavetr(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2b210 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavetr(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 31010 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavetr(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2f910 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavetrs(pred count0, off op0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2b310 | 18 | count03 | 3 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavetrs(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2fa10 | 18 | count03 | off03 | 6 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
leavetrs(pred count0, off op0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 31110 | 18 | count03 | lit13 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
load(op op0, off off0, width width0, )
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 18a9 | 18 | op03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
load(p b, width w, memAttr m, tag tag)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 1959 | 18 | b3 | m3 | tag3 | 6 |
load(p b, off o, width w, tag tag)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 1969 | 18 | b3 | tag3 | 6 | o | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
load(op op0, width memAttr0, memAttr off0, )
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 18b9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 6 |
load(base b, off o, width w, tag tag)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 246 | 18 | b3 | tag3 | 6 | o | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
load(base base0, off off0, width width0, )
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 276 | 18 | base03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadfl(op op0, off off0, width tag0, tag width0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 1979 | 18 | op03 | width03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadfl(base base0, off off0, width width0, )
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 286 | 18 | base03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadfl(base base0, off off0, width tag0, tag width0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 256 | 18 | base03 | width03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadfl(op op0, off off0, width width0, )
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 18c9 | 18 | op03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadfls(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 06 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadfls(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1679 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadfls(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 15b9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadfls(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | c6 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflss(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | d6 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflss(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 15c9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflss(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1689 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflss(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 16 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflu(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 26 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflu(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 15d9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflu(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1699 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflu(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | e6 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflus(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | f6 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflus(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 16a9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflus(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 36 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadflus(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 15e9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loads(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 16b9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loads(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 46 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loads(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 15f9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loads(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 106 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadss(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 16c9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadss(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1609 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadss(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 116 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadss(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 56 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtr(op op0, off off0, width tag0, tag width0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 1989 | 18 | op03 | width03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtr(base base0, off off0, width tag0, tag width0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 266 | 18 | base03 | width03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtr(op op0, off off0, width width0, )
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | :4 | 18d9 | 18 | op03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtr(base base0, off off0, width width0, )
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 296 | 18 | base03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtrs(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 126 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtrs(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 66 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtrs(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 16d9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtrs(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1619 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 16e9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 136 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 76 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1629 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtru(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 146 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtru(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1639 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtru(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 86 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtru(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 16f9 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtrus(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 156 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtrus(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1709 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtrus(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1649 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadtrus(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 96 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadu(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1659 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadu(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 166 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadu(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | a6 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadu(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1719 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadus(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1669 | 18 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadus(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | 176 | 18 | base03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadus(base base0, off op0, op off0, width scaled0, )
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | :4 | b6 | 18 | base03 | off03 | 9 | op0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
loadus(op op0, off op1, op off0, width scaled0, tag tag0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | :4 | 1729 | 18 | op03 | off03 | tag03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
localize(op op0)
longjmpl(op op0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | 386114 | 18 |
F1: | cs2 | 02 | 94 | 8 |
p2u(op op0)
rescue(off args)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | 1c0e13 | 18 | args | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
rescue(off lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | cm1 | 1c3713 | 18 | off03 | 3 | lit0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
rescue(off lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | 1c3a13 | 18 | lit13 | off03 | 6 | lit0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
rescue(off lit0, lit lit1, lit lit2, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c3913 | 18 | lit13 | lit23 | off03 | 9 | lit0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
rescue(off ops, count c, lit ops, lit ops, lit ops)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 33b10 | 18 | ops3 | ops3 | ops3 | 9 | ops | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
rescue(off ops, count c, lit ops, lit ops)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 32610 | 18 | ops3 | ops3 | 6 | ops | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
rescue(off ops, count c, lit ops)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 35610 | 18 | ops3 | 3 | ops | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
rescue(off ops, count c)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | c3 | cm1 | 36210 | 18 | ops | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
resf(off off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | 1c2513 | 18 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retire(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 32710 | 18 | lit13 | off03 | 6 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retire(off count0, count lit0, lit lit1, lit lit2, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 33c10 | 18 | lit13 | lit23 | off03 | 9 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retire(off count0, count lit0, lit off0)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 35710 | 18 | off03 | 3 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retire(off count0, count off0)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | c3 | cm1 | 36310 | 18 | count0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retn(off vs, count c)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | c3 | cm1 | 36410 | 18 | vs | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retn(off vs, count c, lit vs)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 35810 | 18 | vs3 | 3 | vs | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retn(off vs, count c, lit vs, lit vs)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 32810 | 18 | vs3 | vs3 | 6 | vs | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retn(off vs, count c, lit vs, lit vs, lit vs)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 33d10 | 18 | vs3 | vs3 | vs3 | 9 | vs | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retnfl(pred q, off vs, count c)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2b410 | 18 | q3 | 3 | vs | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retnfl(pred q, off vs, count c, lit vs, lit vs)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 31210 | 18 | q3 | vs3 | vs3 | 9 | vs | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retnfl(pred q, off vs, count c, lit vs)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2fb10 | 18 | q3 | vs3 | 6 | vs | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retntr(pred q, off vs, count c, lit vs, lit vs)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | c3 | cm1 | 31310 | 18 | q3 | vs3 | vs3 | 9 | vs | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retntr(pred q, off vs, count c, lit vs)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | c3 | cm1 | 2fc10 | 18 | q3 | vs3 | 6 | vs | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
retntr(pred q, off vs, count c)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | c3 | cm1 | 2b510 | 18 | q3 | 3 | vs | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
spill(off id, op v)
F0: | cs2 | 12 | cm1 | 1c3413 | 18 | v3 | 3 | id | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
stackf(off size)
F0: | cs2 | 02 | cm1 | 1c2613 | 18 | size | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
store(op op0, op op1, memAttr memAttr0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | 1c2913 | 18 | op03 | op13 | memAttr03 | 6 |
store(op op0, op op1, off off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | cm1 | 1c2a13 | 18 | op03 | op13 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
store(op base0, base op0, off off0)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | b3 | cm1 | 37f10 | 18 | base03 | op03 | 6 | off0 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storefl(op op0, op op1, off op2, pred off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0013 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storefl(op base0, base op0, off op1, pred off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 33e10 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storefls(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0113 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storefls(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 33f10 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storeflss(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34010 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storeflss(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0213 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storeflu(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34110 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storeflu(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0313 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storeflus(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0413 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storeflus(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34210 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
stores(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0513 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
stores(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34310 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storess(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0613 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storess(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34410 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storetr(op op0, op op1, off op2, pred off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0713 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storetr(op base0, base op0, off op1, pred off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34510 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storetrs(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0813 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storetrs(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34610 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0913 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34710 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storetru(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0a13 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storetru(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34810 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storetrus(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0b13 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storetrus(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34910 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storeu(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34a10 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storeu(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0c13 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storeus(op base0, base op0, off op1, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | b3 | cm1 | 34b10 | 18 | base03 | op03 | off03 | 9 | op1 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
storeus(op op0, op op1, off op2, op off0)
F0: | cs2 | 32 | cm1 | 1c0d13 | 18 | op03 | op13 | off03 | 9 | op2 | (0,1,2,4)⨯8 |
streamf(lit rd_size, lit wr_size)
F0: | cs2 | 22 | 387714 | 18 | rd_size3 | wr_size3 | 6 |
u2p(op op0)
Pick Block
pick(sel q, op v1, op v2)
pick(sel q, op v1)
recur(sel q, op v1, op v2)
Reader Block
advance(scratch scratchr0, )
R0: | 185 | scratchw012 | 17 |
R1: | 185 | scratchw012 | 17 |
fill(scratch scratchr0, )
R0: | 01 | width04 | scratchw012 | 17 |
R1: | 01 | width04 | scratchw012 | 17 |
NaR(NaR NaR0, )
R0: | 687 | width04 | NaR06 | 17 |
R1: | 687 | width04 | NaR06 | 17 |
pickup(tag tag)
R0: | 348414 | tag3 | 17 |
R1: | 348414 | tag3 | 17 |
pickupfl(pred op0, tag tag0)
R0: | 348614 | tag03 | 17 |
R1: | 348614 | tag03 | 17 |
pickuptr(pred op0, tag tag0)
R0: | 348714 | tag03 | 17 |
R1: | 348714 | tag03 | 17 |
rd(reg src)
R0: | d2012 | src5 | 17 |
R1: | d2012 | src5 | 17 |
rd(const src)
rd(stream src)
R0: | 691015 | src2 | 17 |
R1: | 691015 | src2 | 17 |
refuse(tag tag)
R0: | 348514 | tag3 | 17 |
R1: | 348514 | tag3 | 17 |
retire(lit lit0)
scratchf(scratch scratchr0, )
R0: | 195 | scratchw012 | 17 |
R1: | 195 | scratchw012 | 17 |
Writer Block
W0: | 1103017 | op03 | 20 |
W1: | 1103017 | op03 | 20 |
faultfl(pred op0, )
W0: | 220014 | op03 | op13 | 20 |
W1: | 220014 | op03 | op13 | 20 |
faultfl(pred op0, )
W0: | 1103117 | op03 | 20 |
W1: | 1103117 | op03 | 20 |
faulttr(pred op0, )
W0: | 220114 | op03 | op13 | 20 |
W1: | 220114 | op03 | op13 | 20 |
faulttr(pred op0, )
W0: | 1103217 | op03 | 20 |
W1: | 1103217 | op03 | 20 |
sig(op op0, )
W0: | 110213 | op04 | width03 | 20 |
W1: | 110213 | op04 | width03 | 20 |
spill(scratch op0, )
W0: | 105 | op012 | scratchr03 | 20 |
W1: | 105 | op012 | scratchr03 | 20 |
spillfl(pred op0, scratch op1, )
W0: | 02 | op012 | op13 | scratchr03 | 20 |
W1: | 02 | op012 | op13 | scratchr03 | 20 |
spilltr(pred op0, scratch op1, )
W0: | 12 | op012 | op13 | scratchr03 | 20 |
W1: | 12 | op012 | op13 | scratchr03 | 20 |
W0: | 1103317 | op03 | 20 |
W1: | 1103317 | op03 | 20 |
trapfl(pred op0, )
W0: | 220214 | op03 | op13 | 20 |
W1: | 220214 | op03 | op13 | 20 |
trapfl(pred op0, )
W0: | 1103417 | op03 | 20 |
W1: | 1103417 | op03 | 20 |
traptr(pred op0, )
W0: | 220314 | op03 | op13 | 20 |
W1: | 220314 | op03 | op13 | 20 |
traptr(pred op0, )
W0: | 1103517 | op03 | 20 |
W1: | 1103517 | op03 | 20 |
wr(stream dst, op v)
W0: | 881b16 | dst1 | v3 | 20 |
W1: | 881b16 | dst1 | v3 | 20 |
wr(reg dst, op v)
W0: | 440e15 | dst2 | v3 | 20 |
W1: | 440e15 | dst2 | v3 | 20 |
Skinny Exu Block
Skinny Flow Block
retn(op Another)