Mill Computing, Inc. Forums The Mill Architecture x86 and ARM


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  • Tha
    Post count: 1
    #1005 |

    I did not view all videos but in one of them the Mill design was compared to the x86 and a DSP processor. Is there a comparison between the Mill and an ARM, say the latest iPad processor?

  • Will_Edwards
    Post count: 98

    Q: How does the Mill compare to the latest ARM64 CPUs?
    A: Favourably 😉

    ARM and other general purpose instruction sets are all like x86 in this regard: all are best implemented by out-of-order superscalars.

    ARM and x86 are often thought to be quite different, but on a spectrum which has OoO superscalars on one side and DSPs on the other, the ARM and x86 are almost in distinguishable.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  Will_Edwards.

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