Mill Computing, Inc. Forums The Mill Implementation Project still alive?

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  • joseph.h.garvin
    Post count: 22
    #3722 |

    Most recent forum post is 5 months old, and no new talks in a long time. I know the world is reeling with COVID, I hope the Mill team are in good health. Are Mill implementors still making progress or stalled? Any idea when we might hear new information? FPGA implementation?

  • Ivan Godard
    Post count: 689

    Not stalled, just a lot of work done and a deliberate choice to hold off on filing new patents (there’s another 20 or so waiting for time and money) and talks in favor of development, until the next round and the resulting structural changes. COVID has had minimal impact on us: we were already a distributed work-from-home team. We may provide a kick-the-tires system on the cloud for people to play with; not yet decided.

  • Thomas D
    Post count: 24

    Any news on when someone is going to regenerate the wiki?

  • kwinz
    Post count: 2


    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by  kwinz.
  • Thomas D
    Post count: 24

    Fight me, old man. We can have a Hair-Off, to see who has the more glorious long hair.

    Then again, given the reply numbers, I suspect that there is a more detailed conversation going on for Mill team members (who can see the posts that normal people can’t). You know, people think that it is an interesting (and important) concept and want to know more. I can only create so many POS emulators for hardware inspired by the hype (I have a new one on my GitHub). They only have the forum and the wiki. And both of those look dead.

    • Ivan Godard
      Post count: 689

      The Forum is driven by posts from outside. We do reply to all posts; no questions means no answers.

      There is an internal Wiki as well as the external one. The problem with updating the external one is that most of the new stuff we could update it with is Not Yet Filed, and so by USPTO rules we can’t publish without losing patentability. This is a deliberate choice – we’re holding off on twenty or so filings because we don’t want to start the clock on them. So that’s why you don’t see a new comprehensive instruction list (for example) on the public Wiki – disclosing new instructions potentially loses IP. That’s also why there haven’t been new videos for a while.

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