Mill Computing, Inc. Forums The Mill Implementation Millberry pi

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  • jacob
    Post count: 1
    #2785 |

    I have heard/read that a dev board will be available some time(tm)… are y’all any where close to producing a dev board to play with?

  • Ivan Godard
    Post count: 689

    Dream on – we do 🙂 A dev board won’t be soon. What we hope to have this year is the tool chain and sim available on the cloud – sandbox for you to play in. The sim is quite fast, and on big iron cloud servers may run faster than you’d expect.

    • Dave
      Post count: 10

      Are there any updates on a dev board ETA that you can share with us, Ivan?

  • Ivan Godard
    Post count: 689

    Nope 🙂

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