Mill Computing, Inc. Forums The Mill Markets Eating Intel's Lunch Too?

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  • NXTangl
    Post count: 18
    #3232 |

    Is there a business case for adding support for JITed x86 emulation? That is, would being able to steal some of Intel’s legacy crowd be good or bad for the Mill? Someone mentioned somewhere that OS/2 (I think?) died because it was too compatible with its competitors, thus no killer apps were made. But the Mill’s infinite effective instruction window could make it faster than x86 processors on a lot of GPC, and that would be damn enticing to people who need legacy or proprietary software to run quickly but also prefer low power and security.

  • Ivan Godard
    Post count: 689

    It’s plausible that a Mill with the same power and area budget could outrun an x86 on well-formed x86 code; we don’t want to promise, but plausible. Probably not JIT – binary-to-binary translation.

  • BeardPower
    Post count: 5

    Call me crazy, but is Intel going after the Mill?

    I appreciate any thoughts on that, how this could change the landscape again.


    • Ivan Godard
      Post count: 689

      Would they break x64 compatibility? I doubt it. We’re not worried.

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