Mill Computing, Inc. Forums The Mill Markets Convertible notes?

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  • joseph.h.garvin
    Post count: 22
    #3428 |

    On the main page it mentions you can join the investor list for learning about the convertible notes. But since it’s a mailing list I expect I won’t hear anything until there’s some kind of announcement. Is there some way to learn-about/get notes meanwhile? Sorry this is OT for the forum but there isn’t an investing one.

  • Ivan Godard
    Post count: 689

    Please accept my apologies. Somehow a recent update of the Forum software removed me from the notify list, so I was unaware of the discussion. I’ll be working through the backlog promptly.

    A new subscription to the mailing list triggers a notification to the list maintainers and eventually to me, which in turn results in the subscriber receiving an investment package describing the Notes, the company, and the SEC-mandated process for investing. Because Mill Computing is not a public company, the SEC rules prevent us from posting the information publicly (such as here), because that would constitute an “advertisement” which is forbidden unless you file a registration statement with the government. However, when someone voluntarily joins the mailing list we are legally permitted to reply. The process may seem convoluted, but in practice has worked well to protect the naive from boiler-room securities salesmen. In most cases, anyway.


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