Mill Computing, Inc. Forums The Mill Architecture Introduction to the Mill CPU Programming Model Reply To: Introduction to the Mill CPU Programming Model

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The multiply op belongs in the execute phase, so issues in the second cycle of the instruction.

The number of cycles it takes is member dependent, and operand width dependent, and dependent on the type of multiply (integer, fixed point, floating point, etc). Multiplying bytes is quicker than multiplying longs, and so on. But the specializer knows the latencies and schedules appropriately.

Lets imagine it takes 3 cycles, which includes the issue cycle. The instruction issues on cycle N, but the multiply operation issues on cycle N+1 and retires – puts the results on the belt – before cycle N+4.

The CPU likely has many pipelines that can do multiplication, as its a common enough thing to want to do. The Gold, for example, has eight pipelines that can do integer multiplication and four that can do floating point (four of the integer pipelines are the same pipelines as the four that can do floating point).

So on the Gold, you can have eight multiply ops in the same instruction, and they all execute in parallel. Furthermore, even if a pipeline is still executing an op issued on a previous cycle, it can be issued an op on this cycle. And each multiply can be SIMD, meaning that taken altogether the Mill is massively MIMD and you can be multiplying together a staggeringly large number of values at any one time, if that’s what your problem needs.