Mill Computing, Inc. Forums The Mill Architecture Introduction to the Mill CPU Programming Model Reply To: Introduction to the Mill CPU Programming Model

Post count: 11

Yes, Gold is a high end Mill member.

Here is a more thorough enumeration of Gold’s 33 pipelines:

  • 8 pipes that do single output “reader” operations
  • 4 pipes that can do either integer (including multiply) or binary floating point (also including multiply) operations
  • 4 pipes that can only do integer (not including multiply) operations
  • 4 pipes that can do either immediate constant, load/store or control transfer (branch, call) operations
  • 4 pipes that can do either immediate constant or load/store operations
  • 4 pipes that can do pick operations
  • 5 pipes that can do “writer” operations

There is a bit more to it than that, but those are the major units of interest.