Mill Computing, Inc. Forums The Mill Implementation Any plans for 2024? Reply To: Any plans for 2024?

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We would love to be selling Mill computers also.

What needs to happen to get there: The investment of money to hire the skilled people needed to accelerate Mill development. It’s that simple and not a new need. Likely $12M USD over a 2 to 3 year period to some initial form of production silicon.

Accelerating development will require some additional C++ developers familiar with a range of topics from micro-kernels to Posix libraries to C/C++ libraries to LLVM backend code generation, as well as developers familiar with both C++ and System Verilog as it applies to FPGA and ASIC usage. With more people we could also spare the time to refresh the website, do new videos, etc. When we did the videos some years ago it resulted in enough investment to file patents, but not much more. The result was we had patents, which we needed after the patent law changes, but the video production effort took time away from key parts of development.

We are working on various approaches to securing the investment needed.

In the meantime, we have a few people who are continuing on with development, and we are in no immediate danger of failing. We are to the point we can run thousands of test programs, as well as Coremark, on our internal cycle accurate instruction set simulator. While the scope of what we can compile and run still needs to be expanded, what we have so far indicates the Mill Architecture’s viability.