Mill Computing, Inc. Forums The Mill Markets Is the Tachyum Prodigy perceived as a potential market threat? Reply To: Is the Tachyum Prodigy perceived as a potential market threat?

Ivan Godard
Post count: 689

Mill portals are not IPC (although they can be the entryway to IPC); they are secure service calls, and you remain in the same thread (though with different permissions) both in and out.

A trusted IPC service can define get and put portal functions and do the argument copying between threads, if that is what you mean by IPC. Unfortunately there is no standard semantics for IPC, so each system has to define its own semantics in terms of the underlying Mill primitives, and cross-system communication is likely to be questionable.

Revoke is a classic problem in all permission systems. As currently defined, Mill transient grants cannot be revoked, and persistent grants can be revoked by diddling the PLB. However, there are a host of semantic issues, especially if grants can be re-granted.