Mill Computing, Inc. Forums Forum Admin Site Related Problems and Suggestions Known bug in bbPress Subscribe

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  • staff
    Post count: 49
    #368 |

    There is a known bug in bbPress 2.5.2 (what this forum is running on at the moment) that is scheduled to be fixed in the next update. The last 2 updates have occurred less than a month apart, so this could be fixed Real Soon Now…

    You can be subscribed to either a forum or a topic. When you Submit a comment to a topic, if you do not check the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email”, you will now find yourself Unsubscribed from that topic!

    This is highly counter-intuitive behavior and the folks at bbPress know this. They claim they have a working fix checked in and will be releasing it with bbPress version 2.5.3.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  staff. Reason: fix formatting

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